# dt-sql-parser [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] English | [简体中文](./README-zh_CN.md) [npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/dt-sql-parser.svg?style=flat-square [npm-url]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dt-sql-parser dt-sql-parser is a **SQL Parser** project built with [ANTLR4](https://github.com/antlr/antlr4), and it's mainly for the **BigData** domain. The [ANTLR4](https://github.com/antlr/antlr4) generated the basic Parser, Visitor, and Listener, so it's easy to complete the **syntax validation**, **tokenizer**, **traverse** the AST, and so on features. Besides, it' provides some helper methods, like **split** SQL, and filter the `--` and `/**/` types of comments in SQL. > Tips: This project is the default for Javascript language, also you can try to compile it to other languages if you need. Supported SQL: - MySQL - Flink SQL - Spark SQL - Hive SQL - PL/SQL ## Installation ```bash // use npm npm i dt-sql-parser --save // use yarn yarn add dt-sql-parser ``` ## Usage ### Syntax Validation First, we need to import the **Parser** object from `dt-sql-parser`, the different language needs different Parser, so if you need to handle the **Flink SQL**, you can import the **FlinkSQL Parser**. The below is a **GenericSQL Parser** example: ```javascript import { GenericSQL } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const parser = new GenericSQL(); const correctSql = 'select id,name from user1;'; const errors = parser.validate(correctSql); console.log(errors); ``` Output: ```javascript /* [] */ ``` Validate failed: ```javascript const incorrectSql = 'selec id,name from user1;' const errors = parser.validate(incorrectSql); console.log(errors); ``` Output: ```javascript /* [ { endCol: 5, endLine: 1, startCol: 0, startLine: 1, message: "mismatched input 'SELEC' expecting {, 'ALTER', 'ANALYZE', 'CALL', 'CHANGE', 'CHECK', 'CREATE', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DESCRIBE', 'DROP', 'EXPLAIN', 'GET', 'GRANT', 'INSERT', 'KILL', 'LOAD', 'LOCK', 'OPTIMIZE', 'PURGE', 'RELEASE', 'RENAME', 'REPLACE', 'RESIGNAL', 'REVOKE', 'SELECT', 'SET', 'SHOW', 'SIGNAL', 'UNLOCK', 'UPDATE', 'USE', 'BEGIN', 'BINLOG', 'CACHE', 'CHECKSUM', 'COMMIT', 'DEALLOCATE', 'DO', 'FLUSH', 'HANDLER', 'HELP', 'INSTALL', 'PREPARE', 'REPAIR', 'RESET', 'ROLLBACK', 'SAVEPOINT', 'START', 'STOP', 'TRUNCATE', 'UNINSTALL', 'XA', 'EXECUTE', 'SHUTDOWN', '--', '(', ';'}" } ] */ ``` We instanced a Parser object, and use the **validate** method to check the SQL syntax, if failed returns an array object includes **error** message. ### Tokenizer You can also the all **tokens** by the Parser: ```javascript import { GenericSQL } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const parser = new GenericSQL() const sql = 'select id,name,sex from user1;' const tokens = parser.getAllTokens(sql) console.log(tokens) /* [ { channel: 0 column: 0 line: 1 source: [SqlLexer, InputStream] start: 0 stop: 5 tokenIndex: -1 type: 137 _text: null text: "SELECT" }, ... ] */ ``` ### Visitor Traverse the tree node by the Visitor: ```javascript import { GenericSQL, SqlParserVisitor } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const parser = new GenericSQL() const sql = `select id,name from user1;` // parseTree const tree = parser.parse(sql) class MyVisitor extends SqlParserVisitor { // overwrite visitTableName visitTableName(ctx) { let tableName = ctx.getText().toLowerCase() console.log('TableName', tableName) } // overwrite visitSelectElements visitSelectElements(ctx) { let selectElements = ctx.getText().toLowerCase() console.log('SelectElements', selectElements) } } const visitor = new MyVisitor() visitor.visit(tree) /* SelectElements id,name TableName user1 */ ``` > Tips: The node's method name can be found in the Visitor file under the corresponding SQL directory ### Listener Access the specified node in the AST by the Listener ```javascript import { GenericSQL, SqlParserListener } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const parser = new GenericSQL(); const sql = 'select id,name from user1;' // parseTree const tree = parser.parse(sql) class MyListener extends SqlParserListener { enterTableName(ctx) { let tableName = ctx.getText().toLowerCase() console.log('TableName', tableName) } enterSelectElements(ctx) { let selectElements = ctx.getText().toLowerCase() log('SelectElements', selectElements) } } const listenTableName = new MyListener(); parser.listen(listenTableName, tree); /* SelectElements id,name TableName user1 */ ``` > Tips: The node's method name can be found in the Listener file under the corresponding SQL directory ### Clean Clear the **comments** and **spaces** before and after ```javascript import { cleanSql } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const sql = `-- comment comment select id,name from user1; ` const cleanedSql = cleanSql(sql) console.log(cleanedSql) /* select id,name from user1; */ ``` ### Split SQL When the SQL text is very big, you can think about to split it by `;` , and handle it by each line. ```javascript import { splitSql } from 'dt-sql-parser'; const sql = `select id,name from user1; select id,name from user2;` const sqlList = splitSql(sql) console.log(sqlList) /* ["select id,name from user1;", "\nselect id,name from user2;"] */ ``` ### Other API - parserTreeToString(input: string) Parse the input and convert the AST to a `List-like` tree string. ## Roadmap - Auto-complete - Format code ## License [MIT](./LICENSE)