# dt-sql-parser-semantic-analyse-plugin A [dt-sql-parser](https://github.com/DTStack/dt-sql-parser) plugin with semantic result. [Theory](https://github.com/Kijin-Seija/dt-sql-parser-analyse-demo). ## Installation ``` npm install dt-sql-parser-semantic-analyse-plugin ``` ## Quick Usage ```typescript const myPlugin = new DtSqlParserSemAnalysePlugin() const sql = 'SELECT a| FROM t' const caretColumn = sql.indexOf('|') + 1 const result = myPlugin.parse(sql.replace('|', ''), { lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: caretColumn }) console.log(result) ``` This will use a postgresql Parser and build-in rules/preprocessors ## Add a Rule Chain ```typescript import { PostgresSQL } from 'dt-sql-parser' import { PostgreSQLParser } from 'dt-sql-parser/dist/lib/pgsql/PostgreSQLParser' const myPlugin = new DtSqlParserSemAnalysePlugin({ parse: { parser: new PostgresSQL() stmts: [ 'selectstmt' ], entities: [ 'column_name' ], rules: { 'select_columns': [ PostgreSQLParser.RULE_insertstmt, PostgreSQLParser.RULE_column_name ] } } }) const sql = 'SELECT a| FROM t' const caretColumn = sql.indexOf('|') + 1 const result = myPlugin.parse(sql.replace('|', ''), { lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: caretColumn }) console.log(result) ``` **Notice: A rule must start with a/an statement/entity and stop with an entity. You should add a node keywords(keyword is in your parser with format: `RULE_[keyword]`) into stmts/entities before using it.** ## Add a preprocessor ```typescript const myPlugin = new DtSqlParserSemAnalysePlugin({ preprocessor: [ (sql) => sql.toUpperCase() }) ```