A [dt-sql-parser](https://github.com/DTStack/dt-sql-parser) plugin with semantic result. [Theory(zh-CN)](https://github.com/Kijin-Seija/dt-sql-parser-analyse-demo).
**Notice: A rule must start with a/an statement/entity and stop with an entity. You should add a node keywords(keyword is in your parser with format: `RULE_[keyword]`) into stmts/entities before using it.**
You can set a negative number whose abs equals to a ruleIndex. That means exclude this rule.
select_target_alias: [
🚧 I will later work on `Operator.AND` and `Operator.OR`.
## Alias
Some node names in dt-sql-parser code are different from its antlr4's definition.
You can find possible alias in https://github.com/DTStack/dt-sql-parser/blob/main/src/grammar/postgresql/PostgreSqlParser.g4, then add it into `alias` option.